... of finished (finally) projects ...
All finished
(from left to right) youth size Noah's Ark, adult size star-shaped afghan made from leftovers of youth afghan and the one that started it all - baby size Noah's Ark
proudly displaying - for all the backyard to enjoy - the result of my recent efforts and endeavours. The many enjoyable hours spend creating these projects (which are now in the mail to their recipients) and the not so enjoyable hours spent doing the drudge work, the work of weaving in the ends, making the fringe, etc.
Of coursse, the backyard is mostly inhabited by birds doing flyovers, squirrels foraging for whatever they forage for - mostly my spring bulbs, rabbits intent on nibbling away the bark on my tender trees, groundhogs and the occasion raccoon and/or skunk. Not really the best audience for this incredible display of beauty - but the best I could do on short notice.
I am proud of these creations. Inordinately proud. They've been a challenge from start to finish.
Crocheting and knitting are right-brain activities but they also contain some left-brain elements.
Like reading the pattern. Following the pattern.
With a brain that has been exhibiting fluctuating characteristics of brain injury, reading and following instructions can be problematic. Also challenging.
And then there's the finishing....
On the two Noah's Ark afghans, the technique is such that if you get one stitch wrong, the whole pattern goes out of wack. The crafter is literally creating a picture, row by row, reading a diagram. Creating something with yarn and hook out of thin air. There is no tapestry to weave into. No paper to paint on. The picture literally forms row by row. Out of thin air. At first in each segment, it seems like a mess. Like nothing beautiful or recognizable can ever come from this. But as row builds upon row, the picture comes out. Slowly. Beautifully.
I love to watch the picture form beneath my fingers.
But I also feel frustrated when the mind won't cooperate with the fingers. When the pattern comes out wrong.
At those times, I (wisely) choose to put the project down for a brief time. To focus on something (anything) else. As long as it's right-brain, I mean.
For me that may mean a DVD. Or a Sudoku puzzle. Or a fresh (easy) project.
I've learned to keep more than one project on the go at any given time. Especially at least one that is mostly right-brain for those moments when the left leaves the room entirely. Knitting back and forth, back and forth or crocheting in a simple pattern. Letting the rhythm of the needles (or hook) sooth my battered soul and emotions.
Of the three pictured on the clothesline above, can you guess which was the right brain one? With all the colours, it may appear complicated but really it wasn't. Simply crocheting around and around in a star-shape adding a new colour as an old one ended, using up the leftovers from two previous works (of art).
Hope your day is filled with good right-brained activity - and just enough left-brained to keep things interesting.
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